Just before Y2k, we initiated a concept in the Seattle area whereby hospitals could work together sharing some common ancillary platforms such as laboratory, pharmacy, and radiology systems - this gave rise to Insight Healthcare Partners Ltd. In it's early form the actual sharing of production systems was the underlying concept - beyond the sharing of data. Standardization and economies of scale could be acheived. Taking the next step, Stonewall Consulting LLC extended the proposal further with experience from large academic medical centers, and on to western europe with the sharing and provisioning of clincal and genomic data to bio-pharma.
All of this work centered on key constructs that have formed the back-bone of InterOPERANT. Quality and efficiency in healthcare can be delivered by technology with standardization, integration, and interoperability driven by a world-class methdology and a great governance model.
We can help you on your journey to the summit.
At InterOPERANT we call it The 8th Summit.
Don Lyons
Founder and CEO