Sunday, September 26, 2010

InterOPERANT and Disney - Team up for Success

It is not common that we at InterOPERANT endorse specific vendor organizations. As the American Healthcare Reform model continues to unwind we will look at those organizaitons and partnership collaborations that can provide both holistic and specific solutions to providers - to help them achieve their breakthrough targets as we move through the largest shift in the healthcare industry in history of our country... For those looking toward a comprehensive model that incorporates the organizational mindset, methodology and technology and are in the Houston area market - have a look at this event...
Please Welcome the Disney Institute to Houston on October 14, 2010 InterOPERANT and CareLogistics is proud to welcome the 2010 Disney’s Approach to Leadership Excellence and People Management for Healthcare Professionals program, presented by the world renowned Disney Institute to the Houston area on October 14, 2010. Every hospital, clinic, group medical practice, dental practice, or freestanding medical care provider has the opportunity to distinguish themselves through exceptional quality services, leadership excellence and effective people management. A one-day local workshop featuring two topics, Disney’s Approach to Leadership Excellence and People Management for Healthcare Professionals will show you how effective leadership and management practices can drive employee and customer satisfaction and bottom-line results. You will see the importance of integrating your organization’s culture into the selection, training, and care of your employees and hear how Disney best practices can create and sustain a supportive and productive environment for your healthcare organization. Disney Institute programming provides myriad possibilities for you to take back into your own organizations and initiate change. It will teach you effective techniques that can easily and immediately be incorporated into your own organization and will help improve business results. IMPORTANT: Please use promotional code CLPNW to receive $50 OFF PER GUEST when registering. Additional group discounts are available. TO LEARN MORE AND REGISTER GO TO:

No prerequisite training required - and we will see you there!

Stay tuned for our events in California, Chicago, New York and Florida...


Don Lyons

CEO and Managing Partner


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